WoW account, on Shattered Hand (US)
hp: 3530
mana: 7308
gold: 1933g
mount: Swift Mistsaber (epic Night Elf mount)
Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair, Naxxramas
8/8 Netherwind (Enchants: '+ 18 spell damag / +1% hit' on Helm/Pants, +5 fire resistance on shoulders, +100hp on robe, +9 stam on bracers, +20 frost damage on gloves, +7 stam on boots)
Staff of dominance (+30 spelldamage)
Choker of enlightenment
Cloak of Consumption (+5 resist to all)
Dragon's Touch
Elemental Focus Band
Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight (revered)
Talisman of Ephemeral Power
Neltharion's Tear
Alt Gear:
Dragonslayers Signet (fire resist/spell crit)
Tidal loop -blue
Cenarion Reservist Pants (NR gear)
Fangdrip runners (NR gear)
Onyxia Scale Cloak +7 fr
Grovekeepers drape +5 all resist (NR gear)
Seal of Ascension (resist fire/nr/frost, UBRS key).
Stormpike Insignia Rank 6
Sapphiron Drape +5 resist
Drakefire Amulet
Amulet of Shadow Weilding (shadow resistance)
Gimmick items:
Red Winter hat (christmas hat)
Dartols Rod of Transformation (turn into a furbolg)
Full tux (+boots)
Winterveil disguise kit (turn into a snowman)
Ornate Spyglass
Argent Avenger + fiery (glowy lightsaber)
Elune's Lantern (make moonstones)
Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal (AQ40 epic mount, blue)
Notable quests:
AQ40 chain / Broodlord Chain:
- have Draconic For Dummies chapters III, IV, V, VII and VIII
- have 20 Chimaerok Tenderloin
- Already have the Amulet of Shadow Weilding
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn (+5 resist to all shoulder enchant)
- already Exalted with AD
- 7/25 tokens (I think)
Green helper box (tiny christmas gnome)
Worg Carrier (worg pet)
Red Helper Box (tiny christmas gnome)
Smolderweb Carrier (spider pet)
Carrot on a stick (increase mount speed)
Ward of Elements (resistance)
Rune of the Dawn (+dmg to undead)
Royal Seal of Eldre'thalas (fire resistance / mana regen)
Heart of Noxxion (nature resistance)
Orb of deception (turn into a tauren!)
Chained Essence of eranikus (poison AoE, part of a future quest chain)
Barov Peasant Caller (summon 3 peasants)
Smokeys Lighter (breathe fire)
Spectral Essence (see the ghosts at caer darrow)
Notable items:
7 nexus crystals
62 large brilliant shards
31 mooncloth (11 of which on priest)
Light of Elune
Spell upgrades:
Fireball rank 12
Frostbolt rank 11
Frostward rank 5
Polymorph: Pig
Conjure Food rank 7
Conjure Water rank 7
Enchants (300/300):
brilliant wizard oil
brilliant mana oil
+55 healing weapon
+30 spell damage weapon
+25 agi 2h
+15 agi weapon
+24 healing bracers
+mana regen bracers
+15 fire/nature resist cloak
Icy chill
+20 spirit weapon
+15 strength weapon
Basically all lower level enchants
Tailoring (300/300):
Gordok Ogre Suit (turn into an ogre)
Mooncloth Bag
Felcloth Bag
20 slot herb bag
20 slot enchanting bag
Glacial Cloak, Gloves, Vest, Wrists
Sylvan Crown, Shoulders
Flarecore Robe, Wraps, Gloves, Mantle
Bloodvine boots, leggins, vest
Runed Stygian Belt, Boots, Leggings
Belt of the Archmage
Cindercloth Cloak
Basically all lower level patterns
Mage gear
Mage on mount
Mage Professions
Mage Reputation
Mage Stats
Mage with sword
Mage with wand
hp: 3627
mana: 6519
gold: 344g
Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair
Gemburst Circlet
Jeweled Amulet of Cainwyn
Devout Mantle
Frostweaver Cape
Devout Robe
Virtuous Bracers
Virtuous Gloves
Virtuous Belt
Magister Leggings
Devout Sandals
Band of Rumination
Blood of the Martyr
Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon
Royal Seal of Eldre'thalas
Argent Crusader
Alt gear:
Dragonskin cowl of fire resistance
Spiritshroud Leggings
Grovekeepers Drape
Noxious Shooter
Shadowy Laced Handwraps
Banshee Finger
Onyxia Scale cloak
Crimson Felt hat
Tome of the Lost
Scepter of the Unholy
Dragonrider Boots
Spire Darter Egg
Snowman kit
Jingling bell
Gimmick Items:
Discombobulator Ray
Winterveil Disguise Kit
Dog Whistle
Rune of the Dawn
Nifty Stopwatch
Blessed Prayer Beads
Ward of the Elements
Carrot on a stick
Heart of Noxxion
Chained Essence of eranikus
Barov Peasant Caller
300 / 300 Herbalist
Priest gear
Priest professions
gold: 69g
Mechanical Squirrel
Snowman kit
Gimmick Items:
Crystallised Note
128 stacks of 20 Rune cloth (sell for about 1.5g each, or used in reputation turn ins)
10 stacks of 20 snowballs
Eye of shadow x3 (can sell for over 300g EACH)
Twilight Cultist setpieces
Pattern: Robe of the Void (Epic) (warlock specific tailoring pattern)
Axe of the Deep Woods (epic, on priest)
Various usable and consumable items on all characters (health/mana potions, craft materials, etc).